Music Mindset Monologue: These Dreams

Jan 29, 2021

This is all a dream. It seems solid and horrible and nightmarish.

Wake up to who you truly are and realize that the world is of your making.


Music Mindset Monologue: Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing

Jan 27, 2021

There is only one true reality and that is God. Always present and in all. And though the word seems solid a real the truth is Reality is silent and unseen. Reality is with you always you just need search for it to find it...

Music Mindset Monologue: Back To Life

Jan 25, 2021

Imagination is the well spring of all creation.

The one true reality is within your imagination everything outside is secondary. Everything seems solid and real. Those things seem to be to those to whom it seems to be.

Music Mindset Monologue: Vienna

That grind and hustle that you think you need to go through in order to get the results you desire may be what's killing your dreams from ever being realized.

Could it be possible that the outcome you're desiring is waiting for you to accept???